The Green of the Emerald- the colour of life and of the springtime, which comes around again and again. This facinating gemstone...Read more
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The Green of the Emerald- the colour of life and of the springtime, which comes around again and again. This facinating gemstone is considered the goddess among gemstones. But it has also, for centuries, been the colour of beauty and of constant love. Deep green is the most desired color in emeralds. The paler the color of the emerald, the lesser its value.
We ship Jewelry all over the world. Shipping charges are inclusive of Insurance. When it comes to shipping, bear in mind
Shipping is FREE anywhere within India:Diamond Products are shipped thru Blue Dart/ Speed Post / Registered Post Parcel. Non-Diamond Products thru Blue Dart / Speed Post / Registered Post Parcel. All parcels are fully Insured.
International Shipments: We charge only additional US$45 for Diamond Parcels (except for products purchased from & US$13 for Non-Diamond Parcels.
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